
maisie cole - founder of bookreadingtips.com

Hi, this is Maisie Cole and I am a book lover. My day job involves marketing for a small company where I get to dabble in copywriting and social media marketing.

BookReadingTips is my passion project.

I got the idea of creating this site while looking for book recommendations online. Being unable to find the kind of recommendations that I was looking for, I decided to write them myself.

You will notice that I don’t write a lot of reviews because you can already find them online. I try to cover other queries (like book 1 vs book 2, which “author name” book to read first, etc) that book lovers like myself are looking for.

My Process of Content Creation

I read a lot, about 100+ books a year.

  • I try to read books from the same genre so that I can write comparison articles informing the readers which book is more suitable to their needs. Example: Atomic Habits vs The Power of Habit
  • I also love discovering new authors. I read the most popular books of an author so that I can recommend a book that the reader should read first from that particular author. Example: Which Richard Dawkins Books To Read First?
  • Besides talking about books I try and cover topics around reading habits and storytelling.

Most of the articles on this website are written by me and some are guest posts from fellow avid readers. Guest posts are published only after the articles meet my editorial standards.

My Philosophy

I don’t think there is a single book that everyone should read because everyone’s need is different. Therefore my goal with most of my articles is to offer valuable information that the reader can use to purchase a book. I don’t want to make decisions on their behalf.

Earning Disclaimer

I believe in 100% transparency therefore I want to inform you about the money I make through this site.

As you may have already noticed, I run ads and some of the links on the site are affiliate links. When you purchase a book using that link or click on any of the ads, I get a commission that enables me to buy more books and write about them on this website. I am sincerely grateful to all my readers for their support!

Read more: My Earning Disclaimer

Important Pages

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