Atomic Habits vs Badass Habits: Which One to Read? (Find Out)

Atomic Habits by James Clear and Badass Habits by Jen Sincero are two remarkable books that delve into the realm of personal development and habit formation. Clear’s Atomic Habits provides a practical and proven framework for creating good habits, breaking bad ones, and mastering the tiny behaviors that lead to remarkable results. On the other hand, Sincero’s Badass Habits cultivates a fresh and sassy approach to the topic, offering a 21-day step-by-step guide to ditching what’s not working for you and creating habits that align with your personal goals.

While both books focus on habit formation, they each offer a unique perspective and approach. Atomic Habits, in my opinion, is more methodical and scientific in its approach, making it ideal for those who appreciate a more structured and evidence-based method. Badass Habits, however, is more inspirational and motivational, with a dash of humor, making it a great choice for those who resonate with a more conversational and empowering tone. I think the choice between the two ultimately depends on your personal style and the type of guidance you seek in your journey of personal growth.

In the following sections, I will delve deeper into both these books, discussing their key takeaways, unique selling points, and how they can be applied in real life. Whether you are a fan of Clear’s systematic approach or Sincero’s audacious style, I feel there’s a wealth of knowledge to be gained from both. So, let’s explore these two fascinating approaches to habit formation and see how they can help us lead a more fulfilling and productive life.

Table of Contents

Exploring the World of Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits paperback edition cover

i. Small Changes, Big Impact

In my opinion, the central principle of Atomic Habits, written by James Clear, is that small, incremental changes can lead to significant results over time. I think it’s a powerful concept because it shifts the focus from daunting, large-scale goals to manageable, daily actions. Clear suggests that the accumulation of these tiny habits is what ultimately shapes our identity and determines our success.

ii. Systems Over Goals

Another principle that resonates with me is the idea of focusing on systems rather than goals. Clear argues that goals are about the results we want to achieve, while systems are about the processes that lead to those results. In his view, it’s more effective to concentrate on the system and let the goals naturally follow. I feel this is a refreshing perspective that can help alleviate the pressure of always aiming for a specific outcome.

iii. The Power of Habit Stacking

Clear also introduces the concept of habit stacking, which involves linking a new habit to an existing one. By doing so, the existing habit serves as a trigger for the new one, making it easier to remember and more likely to stick. I think this is a clever strategy that leverages our existing routines to facilitate the formation of new habits.

Delving Into Badass Habits

Badass Habits book cover

i. Embrace Your Inner Badass

In contrast, Badass Habits by Jen Sincero takes a bolder approach. The core principle of this book is about embracing your inner badass to create and maintain powerful habits. Sincero encourages readers to step out of their comfort zones and challenge their self-limiting beliefs. I love this principle because it empowers us to take control of our lives and become the best version of ourselves.

ii. Creating a Badass Identity

Sincero also emphasizes the importance of creating a badass identity. This involves changing our self-perception and aligning it with the person we want to become. In my opinion, this is a transformative principle that can significantly impact our behavior and habits. By seeing ourselves as ‘badasses,’ we are more likely to act in ways that reinforce this identity.

iii. Commitment & Consistency

Lastly, Sincero underlines the importance of commitment and consistency in habit formation. She argues that it’s not enough to simply want to change; we must be fully committed to our new habits and consistently practice them until they become second nature. I feel this principle is a crucial reminder that change requires effort and persistence.

Overall, both books offer insightful principles on habit formation, albeit from different perspectives. While Atomic Habits focuses on the power of small changes and systems, Badass Habits encourages us to embrace our inner badass and commit to our new habits. Both, however, underscore the importance of consistency and the role our identity plays in shaping our habits.

Similarities & Differences Between Both Books


i. Core Concept

In both Atomic Habits by James Clear and Badass Habits by Jen Sincero, the central theme revolves around the power of habits in shaping our lives. They both emphasize that small, consistent changes can lead to significant transformations over time.

ii. Practical Approach

I think another notable similarity between the two books is their practical approach. Both authors provide actionable tips and strategies to help readers implement new habits and break old ones. They are not just theoretical; they offer a hands-on guide to habit formation.

iii. Role of Mindset

In my opinion, both books underscore the importance of mindset in habit formation. Clear and Sincero both believe that changing your mindset is the first step towards changing your habits. They stress that positive thinking and self-belief are crucial in developing and maintaining good habits.


i. Style & Tone

One of the main differences between Atomic Habits and Badass Habits lies in their style and tone. While Clear’s book is more scientific and research-based, Sincero’s is more casual and conversational. I feel that Atomic Habits presents a more analytical approach, while Badass Habits has a more motivational and empowering tone.

ii. Focus on Identity

Another difference I noticed is that Atomic Habits places a strong emphasis on identity. Clear argues that habits are tied to our self-image and that changing our habits requires changing our identity. On the other hand, while Sincero acknowledges the role of self-perception, her focus is more on the power of self-affirmation and visualization.

iii. Target Audience

Lastly, the target audience for the two books seems to differ. While Atomic Habits appears to be geared toward individuals interested in psychology and self-improvement, Badass Habits seems to target those seeking a more straightforward, no-nonsense guide to habit change. It’s like a pep talk from a friend, making it more accessible to some readers.

In conclusion, both books provide valuable insights into habit formation, but they do so in different ways. Depending on your preference for style and approach, you might find one more appealing than the other.


1. What are the main differences between Atomic Habits and Badass Habits?

Atomic Habits, written by James Clear, focuses on the power of small, incremental changes and how they can lead to remarkable results in the long term. It emphasizes the importance of systems over goals. Badass Habits, by Jen Sincero, is more about cultivating the mindset and attitude of a badass to create powerful habits. It takes a more holistic approach, incorporating elements of self-love and self-care into habit formation.

2. Which book should I choose if I want a more scientific approach to habit formation?

If you’re looking for a more scientific approach, Atomic Habits would be the better choice. The book is heavily grounded in scientific research and provides practical strategies for habit formation and breaking bad habits.

3. Is Badass Habits more suitable for me if I’m looking for a motivational read?

Yes, Badass Habits is highly motivational and inspiring. It not only provides practical advice on habit formation but also encourages readers to embrace their inner badass to achieve their goals.

4. Can I apply the principles of both Atomic Habits and Badass Habits simultaneously?

Absolutely. The principles in both books can complement each other well. Atomic Habits provide the practical, step-by-step process for habit formation, while Badass Habits can provide the motivation and mindset needed to stick to these habits.

5. Which book is more focused on breaking bad habits?

While both books address breaking bad habits, Atomic Habits provides more detailed strategies and techniques specifically for this purpose.

6. Should I read both Atomic Habits and Badass Habits?

If you’re serious about personal development and habit formation, reading both books can provide a well-rounded perspective. Each book offers unique insights and strategies that can be beneficial in your habit formation journey.


Atomic Habits and Badass Habits, both offer valuable insights into habit formation and personal growth. Atomic Habits, by James Clear, emphasizes the power of small, incremental changes leading to remarkable results over time. It’s a book for those seeking a scientific and systematic approach to habit formation. On the other hand, Badass Habits by Jen Sincero is a bold, no-nonsense guide to creating and maintaining habits that align with your personal goals. It’s a perfect read for those who appreciate a more assertive, motivational push.

While both books focus on habit formation, their approaches differ. Atomic Habits is more about the process, the incremental changes, and the long-term impact. Badass Habits, however, is more goal-oriented, focusing on the end result and the immediate transformation.

They share a common ground in the belief that habits are the building blocks of success. Both books encourage readers to break free from negative patterns and cultivate positive behaviors.

Whether you’re a fan of a more scientific approach or prefer a direct, motivational style, both books offer valuable insights. So, whether you’re a self-help enthusiast or someone looking to make positive changes in their life, these books have something to offer.

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