Atomic Habits vs Good Vibes, Good Life: Which One to Read? (Find Out)

In the realm of personal development and self-improvement, two books have made a significant impact, Atomic Habits by James Clear and Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King. Atomic Habits delves deep into the power of small, consistent changes, or habits, and how they can lead to remarkable results over time. On the other hand, Good Vibes, Good Life explores the concept of positive thinking and the law of attraction, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a positive mindset and vibration for a fulfilling life.

While both books aim to guide readers toward personal growth and success, they approach it from different perspectives. Atomic Habits is a practical, step-by-step guide for habit formation and mastery, making it an excellent choice for those who appreciate structure and systematic change. Good Vibes, Good Life, on the other hand, appeals more to the spiritual and emotional aspects of self-improvement, making it perfect for those who are more inclined towards introspection and personal enlightenment. Both books have their unique strengths, and the choice between them largely depends on individual preferences and where one is on their personal development journey.

In the following article, I’ll be diving deeper into both Atomic Habits and Good Vibes, Good Life. We’ll explore the core themes of each book, their strengths, and how they can be applied in our daily lives. In my opinion, both books offer valuable insights into personal growth and self-improvement. Whether you’re a fan of systematic habit formation or a believer in the power of positive thinking, I believe there’s something to learn from both these books. So, let’s delve into and explore these two influential works in more depth.

Table of Contents

Unpacking the Core Principles of “Atomic Habits”

Atomic Habits paperback edition cover

i. The Power of Small Changes

In my opinion, one of the most impactful principles in “Atomic Habits” is the belief in the power of small changes. The author, James Clear, emphasizes that it’s not about making drastic, overnight transformations. Instead, it’s about making tiny, incremental changes that add up over time to create significant results. I feel that this message is incredibly empowering. It means that every small action we take can contribute to our overall success and that we don’t need to be overwhelmed by the magnitude of our goals.

ii. Systems Over Goals

Another fundamental principle in “Atomic Habits” is the focus on systems over goals. Clear argues that goals are not enough to drive long-term success. Instead, we need to focus on the systems and processes that lead us towards those goals. This resonates with me because it’s easy to become fixated on the end result, rather than the steps needed to get there. By focusing on the system, we’re more likely to make consistent progress and maintain our motivation.

iii. The Role of Identity

Lastly, “Atomic Habits” highlights the role of identity in habit formation. Clear suggests that our habits are a reflection of our identity, and therefore, to change our habits, we need to change our identity. This perspective is thought-provoking. It suggests that to truly change our behavior, we need to look inward and consider who we want to be.

Exploring the Core Principles of “Good Vibes, Good Life”

Good Vibes, Good Life

i. The Importance of Self-Love

In “Good Vibes, Good Life”, author Vex King emphasizes the importance of self-love. He suggests that to attract positivity and success into our lives, we first need to love and respect ourselves. I think this is a crucial message in today’s society, where it’s easy to be critical of ourselves and compare our lives to others. By practicing self-love, we can foster a positive mindset and attract good vibes into our lives.

ii. The Power of Positivity

Another key principle in “Good Vibes, Good Life” is the power of positivity. King suggests that our thoughts and attitudes can directly influence our experiences. By maintaining a positive mindset, we can attract positive experiences and opportunities into our lives. I feel that this principle is a powerful reminder of the influence we have over our own lives.

iii. The Role of Gratitude

Lastly, “Good Vibes, Good Life” promotes the practice of gratitude. King argues that by acknowledging and appreciating the good in our lives, we can attract more positivity and abundance. In my opinion, this is a simple yet powerful practice. It encourages us to focus on the positives, rather than dwelling on the negatives, and can significantly improve our overall happiness and satisfaction.

Similarities & Differences Between Both Books


Both “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and “Good Vibes, Good Life” by Vex King share a common theme of self-improvement and personal growth. They both emphasize the importance of small, consistent actions in achieving significant life changes.

In “Atomic Habits,” Clear introduces the concept of habit stacking, where small habits are built upon each other to create a larger impact. Similarly, King in “Good Vibes, Good Life” talks about the power of positive thinking and how small changes in our mindset can lead to significant improvements in our life quality.

Both books also stress the importance of self-awareness and mindfulness. They encourage the reader to be present and engaged in their actions, promoting the idea that conscious decision-making is key to personal growth.

In my opinion, both books offer practical, actionable advice that can be easily incorporated into daily life. They provide a roadmap for personal development, emphasizing the power of consistency and positive thinking.


While both books share a common theme, their approach to self-improvement is where they differ.

“Atomic Habits” is more structured and scientific in its approach. Clear presents a systematic plan for habit formation and change, backed by scientific research. He discusses the psychology behind habits, providing a deep understanding of why we do what we do and how we can change it.

On the other hand, “Good Vibes, Good Life” takes a more holistic and spiritual approach. King discusses the power of positive thinking and the law of attraction, focusing on mental and emotional well-being. He encourages the reader to cultivate a positive mindset and eliminate negativity from their life.

In terms of style, “Atomic Habits” is more analytical and fact-based, while “Good Vibes, Good Life” is more conversational and personal. Clear’s writing is detailed and methodical, whereas King’s writing is more casual and relatable.

In conclusion, while both books aim to guide the reader toward personal growth, they do so from different perspectives. “Atomic Habits” provides a systematic and scientific approach, while “Good Vibes, Good Life” offers a more spiritual and holistic path.


1. What is the main focus of Atomic Habits?

Atomic Habits, written by James Clear, primarily focuses on helping individuals build good habits and break bad ones. It emphasizes the power of small, incremental changes that over time lead to significant results.

2. How does Good Vibes differ from Atomic Habits?

Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King is more about self-love, positivity, and self-improvement. It encourages readers to change their mindset and attract positivity into their lives. While Atomic Habits is about the practical steps of habit formation, Good Vibes focuses on the mental and emotional aspects of well-being.

3. Can I apply principles from both books simultaneously?

Absolutely. The principles in both books complement each other. While Atomic Habits gives you the tools to make concrete changes in your behavior, Good Vibes provides the mindset shift needed to maintain those changes and attract positivity.

4. Which book should I read first, Atomic Habits or Good Vibes?

It depends on your current needs. If you’re looking to change specific behaviors and develop new habits, start with Atomic Habits. If you’re seeking a more positive outlook and a deeper understanding of self-love, begin with Good Vibes.

5. Are there any similarities between Atomic Habits and Good Vibes?

Yes, both books share the common theme of self-improvement and personal growth. They both advocate for the power of small changes and the importance of consistency in achieving long-term goals.

6. How can I effectively implement the teachings of both books in my life?

Start by identifying the areas of your life you want to improve. Use the strategies from Atomic Habits to create actionable steps towards these improvements. Simultaneously, apply the principles from Good Vibes to cultivate a positive mindset and embrace self-love. Remember, change takes time and consistency is key.


Atomic Habits, penned by James Clear, and Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King, although different in approach, both offer valuable insights on personal growth. Atomic Habits emphasizes the power of small, consistent changes, illustrating that monumental shifts occur through tiny, daily improvements. Good Vibes, Good Life, on the other hand, promotes self-love, positivity, and the law of attraction as keys to a fulfilling life.

The two books share a common theme: personal transformation. They both advocate for self-improvement and the pursuit of a better life. However, they diverge in their methodologies. Atomic Habits focuses on practical, actionable steps to form good habits and break bad ones, while Good Vibes, Good Life leans towards emotional well-being and spiritual growth.

Anyone seeking to improve their life, either through actionable steps or by fostering positivity, will find value in these books. Atomic Habits is an excellent choice for those who prefer a structured, systematic approach to change. Good Vibes, Good Life will resonate with readers seeking emotional healing and spiritual growth. Both books, however, complement each other well, offering a holistic approach to personal transformation.

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