Atomic Habits vs Power of Subconscious Mind: Which One to Read? (Find Out)

In the realm of self-improvement and personal growth, two books have made a significant impact on readers worldwide: “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and “The Power of Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy. “Atomic Habits” takes a deep dive into the science of habit formation, change, and improvement, offering practical strategies to break bad habits and form good ones. On the other hand, “The Power of Subconscious Mind” explores the untapped potential of our subconscious mind, providing techniques to harness this power for personal success and fulfillment.

While both books aim to guide readers toward personal growth, they approach this goal from different angles. “Atomic Habits” is a great read for those who are looking to understand and alter their daily routines and behaviors, making it particularly beneficial for those seeking to improve discipline, productivity, or health. In contrast, “The Power of Subconscious Mind” would appeal to those interested in exploring the psychological and spiritual aspects of self-improvement. It offers insight into how our subconscious thoughts and beliefs can shape our reality, making it an ideal read for those seeking deeper self-awareness and spiritual growth.

In this article, I will delve deeper into both these transformative books. I feel that each book offers unique insights and tools that can greatly benefit anyone on their personal growth journey. Whether you’re interested in changing your daily habits or tapping into the power of your subconscious mind, I believe that understanding the core principles of these books can provide valuable guidance. So, join me as I explore “Atomic Habits” and “The Power of Subconscious Mind” in more depth, and let’s discover together how they can reshape our lives for the better.

Table of Contents

Unveiling the Power of Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits paperback edition cover

i. Concept of Atomic Habits

In my opinion, the core principle of “Atomic Habits” is the idea that small, incremental changes are the key to achieving big results. James Clear, the author, argues that it is not the big, dramatic changes that matter, but rather the small, seemingly insignificant ones that we make daily.

The term “atomic” refers to the small size of these habits, but also to the significant impact they can have when accumulated over time. Clear argues that if we can make tiny improvements each day, these will compound over time and lead to significant change.

ii. Importance of Systems over Goals

Another principle that Clear emphasizes is the importance of focusing on systems rather than goals. Goals, he argues, are about the results we want to achieve, while systems are about the processes that lead to those results.

In my view, what sets “Atomic Habits” apart is its emphasis on the power of habit formation and the importance of establishing effective systems. Clear suggests that by focusing on the system, we can make the process of achieving our goals more automatic and less reliant on willpower.

iii. Role of Identity in Habit Formation

Finally, Clear discusses the role of identity in habit formation. He suggests that our habits are closely tied to our self-image and that by changing our habits, we can change our identity.

I believe this is a powerful concept. It suggests that we are not just changing what we do, but who we are. By adopting the habits of a healthy person, for example, we start to see ourselves as a healthy person and this change in identity reinforces the new habit.

Exploring the Power of the Subconscious Mind

Power of Subconscious Mind book cover

i. The Subconscious Mind: A Powerful Ally

In “The Power of Subconscious Mind”, author Joseph Murphy posits that the subconscious mind is a powerful ally that can help us achieve our goals and desires. He believes that whatever we feed into our subconscious mind will directly influence our actions, behavior, and attitude.

In my opinion, the book emphasizes the idea that we are largely controlled by our subconscious mind, and therefore, we need to understand how to harness its power to our advantage.

ii. Belief & Visualization

Murphy also emphasizes the power of belief and visualization. He suggests that by visualizing our goals and truly believing in them, we can impress these ideas onto our subconscious mind.

I think this is a compelling concept. By visualizing our goals as already achieved and fostering a deep belief in our ability to achieve them, we can influence our subconscious mind to work towards making these visualizations a reality.

iii. The Power of Positive Affirmations

Another key principle of “The Power of Subconscious Mind” is the use of positive affirmations. Murphy suggests that by repeating positive statements to ourselves, we can influence our subconscious mind in a positive way.

I feel that this is a valuable tool for personal development. By regularly affirming positive thoughts, we can cultivate a more positive mindset and influence our subconscious mind to help us achieve our goals.

Similarities & Differences Between Both Books


In my opinion, both “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and “The Power of Subconscious Mind” by Joseph Murphy share a common theme: the incredible power of the mind to shape our lives. Both books delve into the science of our thoughts and behaviors, emphasizing the importance of understanding how our minds work in order to harness their power for personal growth and success.

I feel that the authors of both books agree on the idea that small, consistent changes can lead to significant results over time. In “Atomic Habits”, Clear discusses the concept of making 1% improvements each day and how these small changes can compound over time. Similarly, Murphy in “The Power of Subconscious Mind” highlights the importance of consistently feeding our subconscious mind with positive thoughts and beliefs to manifest desired outcomes.


Despite these similarities, the two books approach the subject of personal development from slightly different angles. “Atomic Habits” is more about the practical application of habit formation and behavior change. I think Clear’s approach is more systematic, providing step-by-step strategies to break bad habits and form good ones. His emphasis is on the process of habit formation rather than the outcome.

On the other hand, “The Power of Subconscious Mind” delves into the metaphysical aspects of the mind. In my opinion, Murphy’s approach is more spiritual and philosophical, focusing on the power of belief and visualization to influence reality. He suggests that our subconscious mind is a powerful tool that can bring about the changes we desire if we learn to use it correctly.

Furthermore, while “Atomic Habits” provides practical advice on how to change habits at an individual level, “The Power of Subconscious Mind” extends its scope beyond the individual to include the ability to influence others and the world around us through our subconscious thoughts.

In conclusion, while both books offer valuable insights into the power of the mind and the importance of habits, they do so from different perspectives and with different methodologies. Depending on your personal preferences and beliefs, you might find one more appealing or relevant than the other.


1. What is the main difference between Atomic Habits and Power of Subconscious Mind?

Atomic Habits by James Clear focuses on the power of small, everyday habits and how they contribute to achieving your goals. On the other hand, Power of Subconscious Mind by Joseph Murphy explores the idea that your subconscious mind can be programmed for success or failure and that your thoughts and beliefs influence your reality.

2. Which book should I read first, Atomic Habits or Power of Subconscious Mind?

It depends on your personal preference. If you’re interested in practical steps to change your habits and achieve your goals, Atomic Habits would be a good start. If you’re more into understanding the psychological aspects of success and how your mind works, then Power of Subconscious Mind would be suitable.

3. Can these two books complement each other?

Yes, they can. While Atomic Habits provides a practical guide to creating good habits, the Power of Subconscious Mind can help you understand the underlying psychological processes that drive these habits. Reading both can give you a comprehensive understanding of how to achieve your goals.

4. Are the concepts in Atomic Habits and Power of Subconscious Mind scientifically backed?

Yes, both books are based on scientific research. Atomic Habits draws from behavioral science research on how habits work, while Power of Subconscious Mind uses psychological theories to explain the power of the mind.

5. Can the principles in Atomic Habits and Power of Subconscious Mind be applied to any area of life?

Absolutely. Both books offer principles that can be applied to various aspects of life, including personal development, career growth, health and fitness, and relationships.

6. Do I need any prior knowledge to understand the concepts in Atomic Habits and Power of Subconscious Mind?

No, both books are written in an accessible way for general readers. You don’t need any prior knowledge of psychology or behavioral science to understand the concepts.


Atomic Habits and Power of Subconscious Mind both offer transformative insights into personal development. Atomic Habits, by James Clear, emphasizes the power of small, consistent actions in creating significant life changes. On the other hand, Power of Subconscious Mind, by Joseph Murphy, underscores the influence of our subconscious on our actions and life circumstances.

While both books share the theme of personal transformation, they approach it from different angles. Atomic Habits is more action-oriented, focusing on the practical steps of habit formation and alteration. Power of Subconscious Mind, conversely, is more introspective, encouraging readers to delve into their subconscious to manifest their desires.

These books are both valuable resources for anyone interested in personal growth and self-improvement. If you’re looking for practical strategies to change your daily habits, Atomic Habits is the book for you. However, if you’re more interested in exploring the power of your mind and its role in shaping your reality, Power of Subconscious Mind will be more your speed. Despite their differences, both books provide unique perspectives on the path to personal growth, making them must-reads for anyone on a self-improvement journey.

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