Atomic Habits vs The Now Habit: Which One to Read? (Expert Opinion)

Have you ever struggled with forming good habits or overcoming procrastination? If so, you may have come across two popular books that address these issues: Atomic Habits and The Now Habit. Both books offer valuable insights and strategies for improving productivity and achieving personal growth.

While Atomic Habits focuses on the power of small, incremental changes to create lasting habits, The Now Habit delves into the psychology behind procrastination and offers practical techniques for overcoming it. If you are looking to build positive habits and break free from procrastination, these books provide valuable tools and perspectives to help you on your journey.

In the upcoming article, I will be discussing the key concepts and strategies presented in both Atomic Habits and The Now Habit in depth. Whether you are looking to improve your productivity, develop healthier habits, or overcome procrastination, these books offer valuable insights that can help you achieve your goals. Stay tuned to learn more about how you can apply the principles from these books to transform your life.

Table of Contents

Core Principles of Atomic Habits

Atomic Habits paperback edition cover

i. Creating Lasting Change

One of the core principles of Atomic Habits is the idea that small changes can lead to big results over time. Author James Clear emphasizes the importance of focusing on the small habits that we engage in every day, rather than trying to make drastic changes all at once. By making tiny improvements consistently, we can gradually transform our lives for the better.

ii. Building a System for Success

Another key principle of Atomic Habits is the concept of building systems rather than relying solely on willpower. Clear argues that by creating an environment that supports our desired habits, we can make it easier to stick to them in the long run. This involves designing our surroundings, routines, and social circles to encourage positive behaviors and discourage negative ones.

iii. The Power of Identity

In Atomic Habits, James Clear also discusses the importance of identity in shaping our habits. He suggests that rather than focusing on specific goals or outcomes, we should instead focus on becoming the type of person who naturally engages in the behaviors we desire. By aligning our habits with our identity, we can make lasting changes that are more likely to stick.

Core Principles of The Now Habit

The Now Habit book cover

i. Overcoming Procrastination

The Now Habit by Neil Fiore explores the root causes of procrastination and offers strategies for overcoming this common obstacle. Fiore argues that procrastination is often a result of fear, perfectionism, or feelings of overwhelm. By addressing these underlying issues, we can break free from the cycle of procrastination and become more productive.

ii. Focus on Starting, Not Finishing

One of the core principles of The Now Habit is the idea that we should focus on starting tasks rather than finishing them. Fiore suggests that by committing to just getting started, we can overcome the initial resistance that often leads to procrastination. Once we begin a task, it becomes easier to keep going and make progress.

iii. Embracing Unstructured Time

Another key principle of The Now Habit is the importance of incorporating unstructured time into our schedules. Fiore argues that taking breaks and allowing ourselves time to relax and recharge is essential for maintaining motivation and creativity. By balancing focused work with periods of rest, we can avoid burnout and sustain our productivity in the long term.

Similarities & Differences Between Both Books


When comparing Atomic Habits and The Now Habit, I believe there are several key similarities between the two books that make them both valuable resources for anyone looking to improve their habits and productivity.

Focus on Behavior Change: One major similarity between the two books is their focus on behavior change. Both authors emphasize the importance of understanding the underlying reasons behind our habits and how they can be changed through small, incremental steps.

Emphasis on Mindset: Another similarity is the emphasis on mindset. Both books discuss the importance of cultivating a positive mindset and developing self-awareness in order to create lasting change in our habits and work habits.

Practical Strategies: Both Atomic Habits and The Now Habit provide readers with practical strategies and techniques for implementing new habits and overcoming procrastination. From setting clear goals to creating effective routines, these books offer actionable advice for improving productivity and achieving long-term success.


While there are many similarities between Atomic Habits and The Now Habit, I also feel that there are some key differences that set these books apart and make them unique in their own right.

Approach to Habit Formation: One major difference between the two books is their approach to habit formation. Atomic Habits focuses on the idea of “atomic” habits – small, consistent actions that lead to big results over time. In contrast, The Now Habit emphasizes the importance of overcoming procrastination and creating a sense of urgency in order to break free from unproductive habits.

Time Management Techniques: Another difference is the focus on time management techniques. The Now Habit offers specific strategies for managing time effectively and prioritizing tasks, while Atomic Habits delves more into the psychology of habit formation and how to create lasting behavior change.

Tone and Writing Style: Lastly, I believe the tone and writing style of the two books differ as well. Atomic Habits is written in a more straightforward, practical manner, while The Now Habit takes a more introspective and reflective approach to habit formation and productivity.

Both Atomic Habits and The Now Habit offer valuable insights and strategies for improving habits and productivity. Whether you prefer a more practical, action-oriented approach or a deeper exploration of mindset and behavior change, these books have something to offer for anyone looking to make positive changes in their lives.


1. How do Atomic Habits and The Now Habit differ in their approach to habit formation?

Atomic Habits, written by James Clear, focuses on the idea of making small changes to create big results over time. The book emphasizes the importance of building good habits and breaking bad ones by focusing on the process of habit formation. On the other hand, The Now Habit, written by Neil Fiore, addresses procrastination and time management, encouraging readers to overcome perfectionism and fear of failure to increase productivity.

2. Which book provides more practical strategies for implementing habits in daily life?

Atomic Habits offers practical strategies such as habit stacking, implementation intentions, and the 2-minute rule to help readers establish new habits effectively. The book also discusses the importance of environment design and habit tracking to support habit formation. In contrast, The Now Habit provides strategies for overcoming procrastination, including prioritizing tasks, setting realistic goals, and using positive self-talk to increase motivation.

3. How do the authors of Atomic Habits and The Now Habit address the concept of motivation?

James Clear, in Atomic Habits, emphasizes the role of motivation in habit formation but also highlights the importance of consistency and environment in sustaining habits. Neil Fiore, in The Now Habit, encourages readers to focus on self-compassion and intrinsic motivation to overcome procrastination and improve productivity.

4. Which book is more focused on mindset and psychology in relation to habits and productivity?

Atomic Habits delves into the psychology of habit formation, discussing topics such as habit loops, cues, cravings, and rewards. The book also explores the concept of identity-based habits and how changing one’s self-image can lead to lasting behavioral changes. The Now Habit, on the other hand, addresses the psychological barriers to productivity, such as fear of failure, perfectionism, and negative self-talk.

5. How do Atomic Habits and The Now Habit address the concept of time management?

While Atomic Habits touches on the importance of time management in creating and sustaining habits, The Now Habit specifically focuses on time management techniques to overcome procrastination. The book introduces strategies such as the unschedule, guilt-free play, and the work sprint to help readers manage their time more effectively.

6. Which book is more suitable for someone looking to improve their overall productivity and well-being?

Both Atomic Habits and The Now Habit offer valuable insights and strategies for improving productivity and well-being. Atomic Habits is more focused on habit formation and behavior change, making it a great choice for individuals looking to establish positive habits and break bad ones. On the other hand, The Now Habit is ideal for those struggling with procrastination and time management issues, offering practical solutions to increase productivity and reduce stress. Ultimately, the choice between the two books depends on the specific goals and challenges of the reader.


In comparing “Atomic Habits” by James Clear and “The Now Habit” by Neil Fiore, it is evident that both books offer valuable insights into the realm of habit formation and productivity.

The core principle of “Atomic Habits” revolves around the idea of making small, incremental changes to create lasting habits. Clear emphasizes the importance of habit stacking, habit tracking, and the 1% rule to achieve significant results over time. On the other hand, “The Now Habit” focuses on overcoming procrastination by prioritizing tasks and setting realistic goals. Fiore introduces the concept of unscheduling and the importance of taking breaks to increase productivity.

While both books share the common goal of improving habits and productivity, they differ in their approaches. “Atomic Habits” provides a more systematic and structured method for habit formation, while “The Now Habit” offers a more psychological perspective on procrastination and productivity.

Individuals looking to develop positive habits and increase productivity should consider reading both books to gain a comprehensive understanding of habit formation and time management. “Atomic Habits” is ideal for those seeking a practical guide to building habits, while “The Now Habit” is suitable for individuals struggling with procrastination and time management issues. By incorporating the principles from both books, readers can cultivate effective habits and achieve their goals with greater efficiency.

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