Attack On Titan: Better To Read Or Watch? (Find Out)

With the increasing popularity of the anime and manga series, Attack on Titan, you may be wondering whether it’s better to read the manga or watch the anime adaptation. This decision can be a difficult one to make, as fans of each medium have their own opinions and preferences. In this article, we will explore the key considerations and differences between the two, helping you decide which might be the better option for you.

When it comes to immersion and storytelling, you might find that the manga offers a more detailed and in-depth experience. The illustrations provide a visual representation of the characters and settings, while the narration allows you to explore complex thoughts and emotions. On the other hand, anime brings the story to life with dynamic animations, color, and sound, creating a different kind of immersive experience for the viewer.

There is also the question of pacing – whether you prefer to consume the story at your own pace, or want to be guided through the narrative with the timing and flow of an animated TV series. The choice between reading or watching Attack on Titan ultimately depends on your personal preferences, but considering these factors will help guide you toward the medium that would suit you best.

Table of Contents

Comparing Storytelling Approaches

Narrative Structure

When it comes to the narrative structure of Attack on Titan, both the manga and the anime adaptation have their merits. By reading the manga, you can experience the story at your own pace, allowing you to absorb every detail and fully immerse yourself in the world. On the other hand, the anime follows a more structured pacing, sometimes condensing or expanding upon certain scenes and plot elements to enhance the storytelling experience.

Visual Impact

Visually, the anime adaptation of Attack on Titan offers a dynamic viewing experience with its fluid animation and impressive action sequences. The manga, while lacking the movement and audio aspects of the anime, compensates with its detailed illustrations that allow readers to better appreciate the artistic elements of the series. In both forms, the story’s visual impact plays a significant role in drawing readers or viewers into the world.

Character Development

Finally, character development in Attack on Titan is integral to its storytelling. Both manga and anime provide ample opportunities for readers and viewers to connect with the characters on a personal level. In the manga, the character’s inner thoughts and emotions are often explored more deeply, giving readers insights into their motivations and personality traits. The anime, however, excels at conveying the raw emotions of the characters through voice acting and facial expressions.

Time Investment

When considering whether to read or watch Attack on Titan, one important factor is the time investment required for each. Reading the manga usually takes less time than watching the anime, as you can control your reading speed. This allows you to move through the story faster and reach plot points or character developments quicker.

On the other hand, watching anime has its own appeal. The beautifully animated fight scenes and impeccable voice acting add a layer of depth that you may not experience while reading the manga. Moreover, the anime includes a curated soundtrack, which can heighten emotions and create a more immersive experience for you, the viewer.

In terms of sheer volume, the manga currently has more content available, as it is the source material for the anime. This means that by reading the manga, you will have access to more storylines and details that have not yet made their way into the anime adaptation. However, the anime has done a commendable job of staying true to its source material, so you won’t miss out on much if you choose to watch instead.

In summary, the time investment required for reading or watching Attack on Titan comes down to personal preference. If you want a quicker and more comprehensive experience, reading the manga may be the better choice for you. If you prefer a more visually immersive and emotionally captivating experience, the anime may be more your style. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which format best suits your needs and interests.

Understanding the Source Material

attack on titan manga cover
Attack on Titan Vol 1 manga cover

Manga’s Creative Vision

When you pick up the Attack on Titan manga, you’re not just reading a story but also experiencing Hajime Isayama’s creative vision. The manga allows you to appreciate the intricate artwork, detailed character designs, and immersive world-building. By reading the manga, you can gain a deeper understanding of the characters and their motivations.

In the manga, you will also find a slower, more controlled pace. This gives you time to ponder the story’s themes and intricacies. Delving into the manga ensures that you’re receiving the narrative as initially intended by the creator, without any alterations or omissions.

Anime’s Adaptation

On the other hand, the anime adaptation of Attack on Titan offers a dynamic and engaging experience. The world comes alive through vivid colors, fluid animations, and cinematic sequences. Watching the anime allows you to appreciate the professional voice acting and the show’s immersive soundtrack, which often heightens its emotional impact.

The anime also condenses certain events, streamlining the story to fit a standard episode length. This doesn’t always leave room for the same level of depth as the manga but makes it easier to consume and follow.

Ultimately, the choice between reading or watching Attack on Titan depends on your personal preferences and how you’d like to experience the story. The manga and anime both offer unique perspectives, so you may enjoy exploring both formats to appreciate each’s strengths.

Accessibility and Convenience

When it comes to choosing between reading or watching Attack on Titan, accessibility and convenience play a significant role. As a fan, it’s crucial to consider which format best fits your lifestyle and preferences. Here are some aspects to consider:

Reading the manga is an excellent choice if you prefer a more portable experience. You can quickly bring your physical copies or digital manga files wherever you go. Additionally, manga-reading apps are available for smartphones and tablets, making it even more convenient to have your collection with you at all times.

On the other hand, watching anime requires access to a streaming platform like Crunchyroll, Hulu, or Funimation. To enjoy the anime in a more mobile form like reading, you might need a stable internet connection and a compatible device to stream on. Nevertheless, once you are set up, watching the show can be a more immersive and engaging experience.

When it comes to pacing, reading the manga allows you to control your speed. If you get too engrossed in the story, you can breeze through several chapters in one sitting. Conversely, watching the anime requires dedicating around 25 minutes per episode, which can add up if you’re binge-watching.

In terms of content, the manga offers the most comprehensive experience of Attack on Titan. Since it’s the original work, the storyline is more detailed and sometimes includes critical elements not portrayed in the anime adaptation. If you’re curious about the intricacies of the story, reading the manga might be your best bet. However, the anime provides a more visually striking representation of the plot, bringing the characters and their battles to life with vivid animations and a stellar soundtrack.

In conclusion, your preference for accessibility and convenience will ultimately dictate whether you choose to read or watch Attack on Titan.

Impact on the Community

Fandom Engagement

As an Attack on Titan fan, you may have noticed the significant impact this series has had on both readers and viewers. People who prefer to read manga often cite detailed artwork and character development as major selling points, while anime enthusiasts appreciate skillful animation and gripping storytelling. No matter your preference, one thing is certain: the community bonds over their shared love for this franchise.

Manga readers might get some unique benefits, including earlier access to the story and the ability to enjoy the original artistic style. Additionally, collecting physical copies of the series can be quite satisfying for avid fans.

Anime watchers, on the other hand, can enjoy the visual and audio elements that add extra dimensions to the story. Compelling music, voice acting, and direction can all enhance the emotional impact of Attack on Titan.

Online Discussions

The Attack on Titan community thrives in the online space. Whether you’re a manga reader or an anime viewer, you’ll find numerous forums, subreddits, and other platforms where you can dive deep into the lore, discuss theories, and share your thoughts on the latest chapters or episodes.

  • Manga discussions are abundant online, and they cater to the interests of those who want in-depth conversations about plot points, art, and character development. You’ll find fellow manga enthusiasts eager to share their insights and speculations.
  • Anime discussions offer a different experience, with lively conversations focusing on animation quality, voice acting, and music. These communities allow you to share your reactions to each new episode while debating about potential plot changes compared to the manga.

In these online spaces, Attack on Titan fans bond over their shared experience, strengthen their knowledge about the series, and engage in constructive debates that ultimately enrich the overall community. So whether you choose reading or watching, you’re sure to find like-minded individuals who will welcome you to the conversation.

Personal Preference

attack on titan anime cover
Attack on Titan season 1 anime cover

When it comes to deciding whether to read or watch Attack on Titan, it ultimately boils down to your personal preference. If you are someone who enjoys the immersive experience of reading, the manga might be your preferred choice. You can enjoy the creative artwork and follow the story at your own pace. The manga provides more depth and detail, allowing you to get a better understanding of the characters and their motives, as well as uncovering any hidden nuances within the story.

On the other hand, if you are more captivated by the visual aspect of storytelling, then watching the anime adaptation of Attack on Titan might suit your taste. The animation brings the story to life with stunning visuals, a stirring soundtrack, and dynamic action sequences. Additionally, the voice acting can enhance your emotional connection to the characters and make for a more engaging experience.

Keep in mind that there may be differences between manga and anime adaptations in terms of story progression, pacing, and character development. These differences might either intrigue or frustrate you, depending on how invested you are in the original source material. It’s also worth considering the time commitment for each format: watching the anime generally takes longer than reading the manga.

Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which format suits your individual preferences. You might choose one over the other, or you may decide to enjoy both the manga and anime adaptations of Attack on Titan. No matter your choice, the captivating story and well-developed characters make for an unforgettable experience.


Is Attack on Titan Manga Worth Reading?

The Attack on Titan manga is not to be underscored because the anime series is so gripping. The entire manga collection has won a ton of awards over many years and has been nominated for even more. It’s hard not to get swept up in the story and become invested in the characters as they all strive for survival in their own way.  

Attack on Titan was both written and illustrated by Hajime Isayama who started working on the manga when he was 19 years old. The illustrations are beautifully done, helping to make the words and the story come alive as you flip through the pages. As you would expect, the manga also gives more in-depth insight into the various characters and storylines. 

Attack on Titan is a dynamic, dark, and action-packed series that encapsulates a long and tumultuous battle between Titans and humans in a post-apocalyptic world. There have been barriers in place to protect the last remaining humans from the Titans, but unfortunately, Titans break through this barrier and try to eliminate what is left of humanity, which they have almost completely destroyed by that point. 

When one of the central characters, Eren, loses a loved one because of these Titans, he becomes a member of the Survey Corps and is determined to get his revenge. This corporation is responsible for waging battle against the Titans while also trying to determine exactly where these large creatures came from. 

How Long Does It Take to Read All of AOT?

The time it would take to read all of Attack on Titan would vary by individual, but it would undoubtedly be much more difficult to binge the manga than it would be the anime. Considering that Attack on Titan was written over 11 years before coming to an end, there’s a lot of reading to be done if you want to indulge in the entire series. 

The manga consists of 139 chapters or 34 volumes that are currently available on the market. Each volume usually takes at least an hour or two if you’re a fast reader. If you like to read at a more leisurely pace so you don’t miss important details or want to examine the illustrations, it’ll take you a bit longer. 

As much as you might become immersed in the manga and want to read volume after volume, it would end up taking you at least a few days to get through the series without skipping out on important details. 

Is Attack on Titan Anime Worth Watching?

Attack on Titan is a must-watch no matter if you’re just getting into anime or have been an avid anime viewer for some time. The combination of engaging music and sound effects keeps you locked into each episode, adding to the suspense and the action of each scene. The voice acting is also especially well done for a manga including the English voice dubs. 

The anime series is made up of four seasons that are currently available, with the third installment of the fourth season set to be released in the Spring of 2023. It appears that the series will end with this final installment in the fourth season after the release of a two-part ending this Spring. 

Is Attack on Titan Good for Beginners?

Attack on Titan is a good anime for beginners who aren’t familiar with the unique format of this genre. It’s also a good anime for those who like to binge-watch shows, as there are four seasons out and it’s readily available on a variety of streaming platforms. 

There is so much more than just action involved in the series; the show has fantastic character development and a lot of lessons to be learned by viewers. 

Young children would likely find Attack on Titans a little bit too intense for their enjoyment. In terms of appropriateness, the show is better suited for teenagers and above. When it comes to how old you would have to be to understand the show, you would likely have to be a teenager at the very least. 

Whether you choose the anime, the manga, or both, there are darker themes and some violence throughout that young children may not understand the context of. The action scenes are a lot of fun for younger audiences and the plot and sequence of events are entertaining for all ages. 

The illustrations are extremely impactful and add a lot of visual context to the story, but you definitely see much more action and violence in the anime series. The violence is not gratuitous and is fitting since the show is all about the ongoing battles between humanity and the Titans. 

Is Attack on Titan Appropriate to Show Your Parents?

Attack on Titans does deal with some mature themes, but the show doesn’t contain any content that you would be embarrassed to view with your parents around. There is definitely violence and fighting in the show and a little bit of gore, but romance and sexual content aren’t parts of the plot. 

Parents are likely to enjoy watching anime alongside their children, especially if they are also fans of manga or anime. Furthermore, parents will be able to grasp a lot of the overarching themes of the story from the cyclical nature of war and strife as well as overcoming obstacles. 


When it comes to choosing between reading or watching Attack on Titan, it ultimately comes down to your personal preference.

If you’re someone who enjoys the immersive experience of reading a book, then delving into the manga may be the best option for you. The manga provides a more in-depth look at the story, including aspects that may have been left out or altered in the anime adaptation. Additionally, reading the manga gives you the opportunity to appreciate the original artwork and designs by Hajime Isayama.

On the other hand, if you prefer a more visual experience, the anime will showcase impressive animation, vibrant colors, and masterful sound design. With a talented voice cast and musical score, the anime enhances the emotional impact of the story, providing high-quality production for your viewing pleasure.

In the end, the choice is entirely yours. Both the manga and anime versions of Attack on Titan offer unique experiences, and you may even find enjoyment in consuming both. Understanding your personal preferences and the specific advantages of each form will ultimately help you make an informed decision.

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