Author name: Maisie Cole

Book lover! Marketing for a small company in the morning and writing book recommendations for BookReadingTips at night. Please read the About page to learn more.

Atomic Habits vs 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Which Book to Read?

Atomic Habits vs 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

Atomic Habit and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People are some of the most popular self-help books out there. Both books offer practical advice and help improve your life significantly. So you are probably wondering which book should you choose if you had to read just one. You should read Atomic Habits over 7 Habits […]

Atomic Habits vs 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Which Book to Read? Read More »

Norwegian Wood or 1Q84: Which Book to Read First? (Find Out)

Norwegian Wood or 1Q84

Haruki Murakami is one of the greatest modern writers alive. He has written dozens of stories. His work spans genres like science fiction, fantasy, crime fiction, magical realism, etc. Two of his most popular works are Norwegian Woods and 1Q84. You should read 1Q84 over Norwegian Wood because the former is more representative of his

Norwegian Wood or 1Q84: Which Book to Read First? (Find Out) Read More »

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