Dragon Ball: Better to Read or Watch? (Find Out)

As a fan of the popular series Dragon Ball, you might have asked yourself: Is it better to read the manga or watch the anime? The answer to this question can vary depending on personal preferences and individual experiences. Nevertheless, this article aims to explore different aspects of both media forms and help you make an informed decision on which format to choose.

When it comes to pacing, reading the manga offers more flexibility as you can easily determine the speed at which you go through each chapter. On the other hand, watching the anime might cause some frustration due to filler episodes or changes in pacing dictated by the TV network. If you prioritize storytelling, some prefer the concise storytelling of the manga, while others appreciate the added depth and visual elements present in the anime.

In terms of accessibility, both forms of Dragon Ball have their own advantages. For instance, anime can be more engaging and immersive, thanks to its combination of visuals, sound, and voice acting. However, the manga might be the better choice if you prefer a more portable, quiet, and self-paced experience. Ultimately, your preferences, time constraints, and access to the material will determine which form may suit you best.

Table of Contents

Dragon Ball

Is Dragon Ball Manga Worth Reading?

Dragon Ball comics, or manga, are very much worth reading. After all, this is the original form of the series, and how its creator, Akira Toriyama, intended for the public to consume it. The images are interesting with a very easy-to-follow and consistent storyline, albeit vividly avant-garde. The art is classic and amazing too.

Another wonderful aspect of Dragon Ball manga is that the world-building component is much stronger. This removes plot holes common to the animated series and it presents a creative template for which readers can use their imagination to fill in the gaps and character voices. For these reasons, diehard fans say that the manga is better and more worthwhile than the series.

Is Dragon Ball Anime Worth Watching?

The anime adaptation of Dragon Ball has many more components that definitely make it worth a watch. First, it truly brings the manga to life and there are exclusive characters you don’t get in the manga. Pikkon is one such example. Goku meets him in the afterlife, which helps to fill story and character arcs not featured or touched on in the manga.

This translates to fun and visionary components that simply are not available in written form. For instance, the Dragon Ball Z series has some of the most fan complaints because many episodes are just filler and nothing else. But, it also provides some great one-off interactions that the manga fails to capture or doesn’t have altogether.

This extends to the soundtrack, voiceovers, and noise clips included in the anime series. They truly add to the story and emphasize certain scenes. Even if you’re the kind of person who prefers manga, listening to the soundtrack while reading the comic is a fantastic accompaniment.

Dragon Ball Z vs Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Ball has many series, but the most popular ones are Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball Super. Both are great as manga or anime but each has their fabulous aspects and downsides. If you’re new to this, we’ll try not to spoil it.

Dragon Ball Z is a legendary flagship series about the adventures of Goku and his friends. It became such a cult classic that loyal followers begged for a sequel for nearly two decades after Dragon Ball Z officially ended in 1996. The franchise finally released Dragon Ball Super in 2015 and it was an instant success.

Dragon Ball Z

Dragon Ball Z introduced awe-inspiring fight scenes that are synonymous to the anime. It packed with adventure, leaning heavily on battles and power levels. But these are what splayed every episode for several seasons and it does tend to drag on because of all the filler to supplement the manga.

Regardless, each episode held viewers at the edge of their seats, featuring high stakes narratives with the earth in constant peril. But, somehow, Goku and his friends saved the day with their awesome abilities and, sometimes, their lives.

Of course, no one can forget the awesome transformations of the Super Saiyans. Seeing the change into their supercharged forms with bright blond hair is part of what gives Dragon Ball Z its iconic status.

Dragon Ball Super

Dragon Ball Super, in contrast, adds its own layer of complexity and depth to the storyline as well as the transformations and battles. It mitigates the boring predictability in Dragon Ball Z. Indeed, overcoming everything with pure, raw strength episode after episode can get mind-numbingly monotonous. Dragon Ball Super expands the scope of its predecessor, taking it much further.

Not only are the battles on earth, but the fights have consequences that go beyond the physical, venturing into different universes, parallel realities and the afterlife. That said, there’s a neoteric essence to some of the battles in Dragon Ball Super. They are sort of fashionable in their way, which has its own predictability. But, it is refreshing in comparison to Dragon Ball Z.

Should I Read or Watch Dragon Ball Super?

Dragon Ball Super is something you definitely should watch. While the manga is excellent and engaging, the anime series is easier to understand.

Is it OK to Watch Dragon Ball Super First?

Because Dragon Ball Super is a recent sequel to Dragon Ball Z, you really should watch Dragon Ball Z first. However, you can watch Dragon Ball Super without its predecessor. But, you will miss out on some of the inferences relating to Dragon Ball Z.


The entire Dragon Ball franchise is one of the best anime and manga to exist in pop culture. Dragon Ball Z put them on the map worldwide, becoming a cult classic since its inception in 1986. But, the newer series, Dragon Ball Super, pays homage to its earlier predecessors. Yet, some diehard fans have a few bones to pick with it.

Regardless, both are worth watching more than reading the comic book. This is because of the moving pictures, sounds and music along with more fleshed out storylines and expanded transformations. They capture the imagination and offer wonderful fillers not seen in the manga.

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