Fullmetal Alchemist: Read or Watch? (Find Out)

Fullmetal Alchemist, a popular Japanese manga series created by Hiromu Arakawa, has captured the hearts of many fans globally. With its engaging storyline, well-developed characters, and unique universe, it’s not surprising that you may be considering getting into this fascinating series. One question that often arises for newcomers is whether they should read the manga or watch the anime adaptation. To make an informed decision about which medium to choose, it’s essential to examine the pros and cons of both.

Reading the manga allows you to experience the source material and provides a deeper understanding of the story’s intricacies. The illustrations of the manga often convey emotions and subtleties that can be lost during the adaptation process. Moreover, engaging with the manga can expand your imagination as you visualize the actions and environments in your mind’s eye. On the other hand, watching the anime version brings the story to life through captivating visuals, immersive soundtracks, and talented voice actors, enhancing the overall experience.

When weighing the options, consider your preferences and what you hope to gain from delving into Fullmetal Alchemist. Are you interested in the unfiltered content with room for personal interpretation? Or, do you prefer a more vivid experience, complete with sound and movement? Being aware of these differences will assist you in choosing the medium that best compliments your style and enhances your enjoyment of this captivating series.

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Fullmetal Alchemist manga

Reading vs. Watching: Comparison

When deciding whether to read or watch Fullmetal Alchemist, it is essential to compare the two experiences to make an informed decision. Here, we will look into the various aspects of each format and how they affect your enjoyment of the story.

Firstly, consider the pacing in both formats. Reading the manga allows you to set your speed, whereas watching the anime dictates the pace for you. If you prefer to immerse yourself in the story without interruptions or time constraints, the manga may be a better choice. On the other hand, watching anime can provide a more cohesive and effortless experience that flows naturally.

Another important aspect to consider is the storytelling medium. As a visual art form, manga can offer a deeper connection to the characters and more detailed illustrations. However, the anime provides movement, dynamic action sequences, and music that can add extra intensity and emotional impact to the narrative. Here are some key comparisons between the two formats:

Art StyleDetailed illustrationsAnimated visuals
Character EmotionDependent on individual interpretationEnhanced by voice acting, music, and animation
PacingControlled by the readerSet by the production
Action ScenesImagination-basedAnimated with sound effects and music

Furthermore, the anime adaptation brings the world of Fullmetal Alchemist to life with its unique sound design and voice acting. The emotions portrayed by the characters can resonate more with the audience through vocal performances. This can help in evoking empathy and understanding of the character’s emotions and motivations.

Lastly, there is the matter of content. The manga and anime sometimes differ in terms of storylines, character arcs, and events. While reading the manga may give you access to the original creator’s vision, watching the anime provides a different perspective. Therefore, engaging with both versions can offer a comprehensive understanding of the Fullmetal Alchemist universe and enhance your appreciation of the story.

Storyline and Adaptation


When you read the Fullmetal Alchemist manga, you experience the original story created by Hiromu Arakawa. The manga has a well-developed plot and a rich set of characters. As a reader, you can take your time to immerse yourself in the intricate details and symbolism in the artwork.

The manga allows you to explore the storyline at your own pace, notice subtle foreshadowing, and encounter new aspects with each re-read. The manga is widely regarded for its consistency and completeness, as the story wraps up nicely while still leaving room for your imagination.


The Fullmetal Alchemist anime comes in two versions: the original Fullmetal Alchemist (2003) and Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood (2009). While the original 2003 series started following the manga, it diverted from the source material in the second half, resulting in an alternate ending. Many fans appreciate the unique take provided by the 2003 anime and the opportunity to explore a different side of the story.

On the other hand, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood closely follows the manga and is often considered the definitive adaptation. The animation quality and voice acting contribute to an immersive experience, bringing the story and characters to life. However, the pacing may not suit everyone, as some scenes might feel rushed in comparison to the manga.

With the anime adaptations, you can enjoy the visual and auditory impact of the story, including the emotional musical score, which can resonate deeply with the viewers. It is worth noting that each adaptation has strengths and weaknesses, and personal preferences may play a significant role in your enjoyment of either version.

Character Development

In Fullmetal Alchemist, you’ll notice how the characters grow and evolve throughout the story. Both the manga and anime do an excellent job of making you feel invested in the main characters, Edward and Alphonse Elric. As you read or watch, you’ll witness their development as they face challenges, make difficult decisions, and form bonds with others.

When you read the manga, the subtle shifts in the characters’ attitudes and beliefs are more noticeable. You get a sense of the internal conflicts they face, which adds depth to their personalities. The advantage of reading the manga is the opportunity to fully immerse in the creator’s vision, as the illustrations and dialogue provide additional layers of meaning.

On the other hand, watching the anime gives you the thrill of seeing the characters come to life through vivid animations and stellar voice acting. The facial expressions and tone of voice help to establish the emotional nuances behind each character. Furthermore, the soundtracks and action sequences enhance the overall experience, making the story even more memorable.

In terms of character development, both reading and watching Fullmetal Alchemist have their own merits. Reading allows you to delve deeper into characters’ thoughts and emotions while watching the anime brings them to life in an exciting and dynamic way. Choose the format that best suits your preferences and enjoy the gripping tale of Edward and Alphonse’s quest for the Philosopher’s Stone.

Art and Animation

When you compare the art styles between reading the Fullmetal Alchemist manga and watching the anime, there are noticeable differences. The manga features crisp lines and bold shading, giving it a distinct and detailed look. Reading the manga allows you to appreciate Hiromu Arakawa’s original art style, allowing her intention and imagination to come through on the page.

On the other hand, watching the Fullmetal Alchemist anime, you’ll experience vivid colors, fluid animation, and dynamic action sequences. This brings the story and characters to life in a unique way. The anime’s art tends to be softer than the manga but still retains enough sharpness to accurately represent Arakawa’s character designs.

Adapting a manga into an anime often means that there are changes and additions to the story. These can enhance your overall experience, as they provide more depth, details, and even different interpretations of the source material.

For example, the first Fullmetal Alchemist anime deviates from the manga plot significantly, resulting in an entirely different story. It features several unique character arcs and altered plot points, which might make it worthwhile for you to watch. In contrast, Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood, another adaptation, stays true to the manga’s story and progresses at a swifter pace.

As for the pacing, reading the manga gives you control over how you absorb the story. You can linger on pages or panels that are visually impactful or emotionally resonant. However, watching the anime means that you’ll experience the story at a fixed pace, dictated by the episode runtime and how much content it covers.

In conclusion, both reading the manga and watching the anime adaptations of Fullmetal Alchemist offer unique experiences regarding art and animation. Deciding which one is better depends on your personal preferences and how you want to engage with the story and characters.

Time Investment

When considering whether to read or watch Fullmetal Alchemist, it’s essential to take into account the time investment required for each format. Reading the manga can be faster for some, while watching the anime may be more time-consuming but offers a different experience.

Reading the manga allows you to set your own pace. You can skim through familiar scenes or slow down and closely examine intricate artwork and dialogue. On the other hand, watching the anime presents information at a fixed rate, with each episode lasting approximately 24 minutes. The anime consists of 51 episodes for the 2003 version and 64 episodes for the 2009 Brotherhood adaptation. Hence, watching both series entirely will demand around 46 hours of your time.

In contrast, the manga has 27 volumes, and the time taken to read will vary from person to person. However, generally, a volume takes about 1 to 2 hours to read, meaning you could potentially complete the series in approximately 27 to 54 hours, depending on your reading speed.

Comparing both formats:

  • 2003 Anime: 51 episodes, ~24 mins each (20.4 hours)
  • 2009 Anime (Brotherhood): 64 episodes, ~24 mins each (25.6 hours)
  • Manga: 27 volumes, ~1-2 hours per volume (27-54 hours)

Keep in mind that neither option is inherently better, but each caters to different preferences. Those who enjoy visual storytelling and voice acting might be more inclined to invest time in anime. In contrast, manga readers can appreciate the original artwork and the author’s intentions. Ultimately, the choice depends on which format aligns best with your interests and the time you’re willing to invest.

Personal Preference

In choosing between reading and watching Fullmetal Alchemist, your personal preference plays a significant role. Some people enjoy immersing themselves in the world created by the manga, appreciating the author’s artwork and the intricacies of the storyline. While reading, you can take your time to understand each character’s motivations and emotions, and the pacing is dictated by your reading speed.

On the other hand, the anime adaptation offers a different experience. By watching Fullmetal Alchemist, you benefit from dynamic visuals, voice acting, and accompanying music that can heighten the story’s emotional impact. The anime allows you to consume the story at a consistent pace, making it easier for some people to follow.

However, there are a few key differences between the manga and the anime that could affect which format you prefer:

  • Storyline: The manga and the first anime adaptation (Fullmetal Alchemist, also known as FMA) have distinct storylines and outcomes. While FMA diverges from the manga’s plot (due to it surpassing the manga while it was still ongoing), Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is a more faithful adaptation of the original story.
  • Character development: The manga delves deeper into its characters’ backstories and provides more insight into their personalities. In comparison, the anime adaptations may not have the time or resources to explore each character as thoroughly.
  • Visual experience: The manga uses unique and detailed drawings to tell its story, providing an enjoyable reading experience. Meanwhile, anime has the advantage of animation, sound effects, and music that contribute to building a more immersive atmosphere.

Ultimately, to decide whether it is better to read or watch Fullmetal Alchemist, you should consider which elements of storytelling you value the most, and whether certain aspects of the series appeal to you more in written or animated form. It’s essential, as a fan, to choose the format that resonates with your preferences and enhances your enjoyment of the story.


Fullmetal Alchemist offers a rich story that can be experienced through both manga and anime. Ultimately, the choice between reading and watching depends on your personal preferences.

The manga offers the original storyline crafted by Hiromu Arakawa, allowing you to immerse yourself in her authentic and detailed artwork. If you love taking your time and indulging in a deep, thought-provoking narrative, then reading Fullmetal Alchemist is a great choice for you.

On the other hand, watching the Fullmetal Alchemist anime series provides a unique experience through its stunning visuals, excellent voice acting, and engaging soundtracks. If you appreciate animated action sequences and a more streamlined narrative, then watching the anime adaptations might be your preference.

In the end, it’s your choice whether to read or watch Fullmetal Alchemist. Regardless of the path you decide to take, you can be confident that you will be embarking on an unforgettable journey, discovering the essence of humanity and the power of brotherly love.

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