Norwegian Wood or 1Q84: Which Book to Read First? (Find Out)

Haruki Murakami is one of the greatest modern writers alive. He has written dozens of stories. His work spans genres like science fiction, fantasy, crime fiction, magical realism, etc. Two of his most popular works are Norwegian Woods and 1Q84.

You should read 1Q84 over Norwegian Wood because the former is more representative of his other works. The story in 1Q84 is set in a parallel world and involves a complex and surreal narrative much like his other works. Norwegian Wood is rooted in reality which is rare for a Murakami story and can be pitched as a good reason to read the book. But please Norwegian Wood after familiarizing yourself with some of Murakami’s work.

In the rest of the article, we are going to look at Haruki Murakami’s biography and recommend our favorite Murakami books.  

Table of Contents

Top 3 Haruki Murakami Book Recommendation

1. 1Q84

1q84 book cover

1Q84 is a more recent novel by Haruki Murakami it being published in 2009. It is an alternative history novel covering a fictionalized version of the year 1984. The story is centered around the perspectives of two people who travel to an alternate reality.

In 1Q84, the “Q” stands for the question mark. It is meant to represent how the world bears questions, thus making it a very thought-provoking story. Just like with many of Murakami’s novels, you won’t walk away from this one without a new perspective on how you carry yourself.

This story has it all: love, mystery, fantasy, and even loneliness. These elements add up to create an unforgettable story. There is something for everyone in 1Q84. If the title doesn’t draw you in, then the lovable characters will, or the complexities hidden inside the alternate reality the book focuses on.

2. Norwegian Wood

norwegian wood book cover

Norwegian Wood is a novel by Haruki Murakami, it was published back in 1987. It is a Japanese literary fiction novel telling the tale of a young man by the name of Toru Watanabe. Toru is a university student living in Tokyo shortly after the passing of his only high school friend.

This novel focuses on the struggles of the main characters to tell a compelling tale about the fight to keep living. Many different coping mechanisms and their impact on each character are explored throughout the novel. Norwegian Wood is a great pick for those new to Haruki Murakami.

Compared to many of Murakami’s other novels, this one appeals to a wider audience due to the subject matter is coming of age. Those in the younger generations can relate to this story more, but the older generations can also find much to enjoy and reminisce about. 

Norwegian Wood is one of Murakami’s most critically acclaimed stories. It is beloved by critics and audiences alike. It is considered a masterpiece and a literary event. The world of Murakami is complex and rich with details, and Norwegian Wood is one of his finest works if not his finest.

3. Kafka On The Shore

kafka on the shore book cover
Kafka on the Shore (Image source)

Another more modern novel by Haruki Murakami is Kafka on the Shore, which was released in 2002, and was translated into English in 2005. This is a fantasy fiction novel following the idea that there is a border between the conscious and unconscious minds.

The fantasy side of Murakami shines in this book. During this journey, you’ll see cats talk, fish fall from the sky, and spirits leave their bodies to do things you’d think only real humans could do. For example, you’ll see spirits murdering others and even doing intimate acts.

The strangeness of the journey is what makes it so memorable. You can’t walk away from this story without feeling impacted. Not only are the characters compelling, but the world is fleshed out and feels like a character on its own.

Kafka on the Shore is different from Murakami’s other stories thanks to how philosophical it is. If you are a new reader of Murakami, it’s best not to start with this one. Start with Norwegian Wood, then work your way to the deeper, more complex stories such as this one.

According to Goodreads, Kafka on the Shore is Murakami’s best book. It has both the approval of critics and fans. Kafka on the Shore has an impressive 4.1 out of 5 on Goodreads, and approximately 92% of readers enjoyed the book. Critically, this book was named in the top 10 best books of 2005.

Haruki Murakami Biography

haruki murakami author desk
Haruki Murakami’s work desk (Image source)

Haruki Murakami is a Japanese writer from Kyoto, Japan on January 12, 1949. At 73 years old, he is still releasing books to this day. Haruki Murakami is known for his fiction work, and more specifically, his work in the world of magical realist fiction. Exploration of complex concepts is at the core of his works.

The way Haruki realized he could craft a book is as inspiring as it is humorous. It happened at a baseball game of all places. As it turns out, inspiration and motivation can come from the places you least expect, which is something Haruki realized that night at the game.

When an American, Dave Hilton, came to bat, he hit a double. At the same time he hit a double, Haruki made the realization that he could write a novel. This moment back in 1978 was what caused Murakami to spark his imagination to make something truly special.

Murakami’s first novel was named Hear the Wind Sing, and it won the Gunzou Literature Prize. This was back in the same year Haruki realized he could write a novel: 1979. From there, Haruki’s success only grew both in Japan and worldwide as more of his works became translated.

Although many of his works have been fiction, particularly the thought-provoking kind, he has dabbled in the world of nonfiction as well. Shortly after the Hanshin earthquake in 1995, Haruki decided to interview the survivors. From there, Murakami went on to publish two nonfiction books and a series of essays


Norwegian Wood, IQ84, and Kafka on the Shore are three of Haruki Murakami’s best works. They are classics still read to this day. The most fascinating part about these novels is how different yet impactful they are from one another. All of these works deal with human identity.

Those invested in Murakami’s books will tell you to start with Norwegian Wood because it is one of his best works. According to Goodreads, it is his second-best book only behind Kafka on the Shore. Norwegian Wood is the book that appeals to the widest audience due to its subject matter.

Out of the three, there is no clear victor on which one is Murakami’s best work. All three of them cover a variety of topics dealing with an essential part of what it means to be human. Murakami is a masterful author who captivates his audience with compelling characters and themes.

(Featured image by wakarimasita from Flickr, CC BY-SA 3.0)

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