Read or Watch “Interspecies Reviewers”

“Interspecies Reviewers” is a Japanese manga series written by Amahara and illustrated by masha. It was first serialized in the magazine “Dragon Age” in 2016 and has since gained a dedicated fanbase. The story is set in a fantasy world where various humanoid species coexist, and it follows a group of adventurers who visit brothels of different species and write reviews about their experiences. The series is known for its explicit content and adult themes, as well as its humor and satire.

The manga was later adapted into an anime television series, which premiered in January 2020. The anime was produced by Passione studio and directed by Yuki Ogawa. It gained attention for its controversial content and was praised for its unique take on the fantasy genre. “Interspecies Reviewers” has sparked debates about censorship, freedom of expression, and the portrayal of sexuality in media. Despite the controversy, the series has garnered a dedicated following and has become a significant part of the anime community.

Key Takeaways

  • “Interspecies Reviewers” is an anime series that follows a group of adventurers who review the services of various interspecies brothels.
  • The show has sparked controversy due to its explicit content and portrayal of sexual themes, leading to it being pulled from several streaming platforms.
  • The themes and messages of “Interspecies Reviewers” include exploration of sexuality, acceptance of diverse preferences, and the ethical implications of interspecies relationships.
  • The show has received mixed reviews from viewers and critics, with some praising its boldness and humor, while others criticize its explicit content and objectification of characters.
  • “Interspecies Reviewers” can be watched on select streaming platforms, but it may be subject to availability due to its controversial nature.
  • The show has had a significant impact on the anime industry, sparking discussions about censorship, content regulation, and the portrayal of sexual themes in media.
  • Whether to watch “Interspecies Reviewers” ultimately depends on individual preferences and comfort levels with explicit content and sexual themes.

The controversy surrounding “Interspecies Reviewers”

“Interspecies Reviewers” has been at the center of controversy due to its explicit content and adult themes. The series features graphic depictions of sexual encounters between different humanoid species, as well as frank discussions about sexuality and prostitution. This has led to the anime being labeled as “ecchi” or “hentai” by some viewers, and it has faced criticism from those who believe it crosses the line of what is acceptable in mainstream media.

The controversy surrounding “Interspecies Reviewers” has also extended to its distribution and availability. The anime was initially aired on Japanese television but was later pulled from several networks due to its explicit content. This decision sparked debates about censorship and the freedom of expression in media. Additionally, the series has faced challenges in international distribution, with some streaming platforms choosing not to carry it due to its controversial nature.

Despite the controversy, “Interspecies Reviewers” has also garnered support from those who appreciate its unique take on the fantasy genre and its satirical commentary on societal norms. The series has sparked discussions about the portrayal of sexuality in media and has challenged traditional notions of what is considered appropriate for mainstream audiences.

The themes and messages of “Interspecies Reviewers”

“Interspecies Reviewers” explores a variety of themes and messages through its explicit content and adult themes. One of the central themes of the series is the exploration of sexuality and sexual relationships between different humanoid species. The series delves into the complexities of sexual attraction and desire, as well as the societal taboos surrounding these topics. Through its frank discussions and depictions of sexual encounters, “Interspecies Reviewers” challenges traditional notions of sexuality and encourages viewers to consider different perspectives on these topics.

In addition to its exploration of sexuality, “Interspecies Reviewers” also addresses themes of acceptance and coexistence among different species. The series takes place in a fantasy world where various humanoid species live together, and it highlights the challenges and prejudices that arise from these interactions. By portraying the interactions between different species in a brothel setting, the series prompts viewers to consider issues of diversity, tolerance, and understanding.

Furthermore, “Interspecies Reviewers” incorporates elements of humor and satire to comment on societal norms and expectations. The series uses its explicit content as a vehicle for social commentary, challenging viewers to question their preconceived notions about sexuality and relationships. Through its provocative storytelling, “Interspecies Reviewers” encourages viewers to engage in critical thinking about these complex and often taboo subjects.

The reception of “Interspecies Reviewers” among viewers and critics

The reception of “Interspecies Reviewers” has been mixed among viewers and critics. The series has garnered a dedicated fanbase who appreciate its unique take on the fantasy genre and its unapologetic exploration of sexuality. These fans praise the series for its bold storytelling, humor, and social commentary. They argue that “Interspecies Reviewers” challenges traditional norms and encourages open-minded discussions about sexuality and relationships.

However, the series has also faced criticism from those who believe it crosses the line of what is acceptable in mainstream media. Some viewers and critics have labeled “Interspecies Reviewers” as “ecchi” or “hentai,” citing its explicit content as inappropriate for a wider audience. This criticism has led to debates about censorship, freedom of expression, and the portrayal of sexuality in media.

Despite the controversy, “Interspecies Reviewers” has gained attention for its unique approach to storytelling and its willingness to tackle taboo subjects. The series has sparked discussions about the boundaries of what is considered acceptable in mainstream media and has prompted viewers to engage in critical thinking about complex societal issues.

Where to watch “Interspecies Reviewers”

“Interspecies Reviewers” can be watched on various streaming platforms, although its availability may vary depending on region and platform policies. In some cases, the series may be labeled as “mature” or “adult” content due to its explicit nature. Viewers interested in watching “Interspecies Reviewers” should check their preferred streaming platforms for availability.

For those who prefer to read the original manga, “Interspecies Reviewers” is available in print and digital formats through various retailers. The manga provides an opportunity for fans to experience the story in its original format and explore the themes and messages presented in the series.

The impact of “Interspecies Reviewers” on the anime industry

“Interspecies Reviewers” has had a significant impact on the anime industry, sparking debates about censorship, freedom of expression, and the portrayal of sexuality in media. The controversy surrounding the series has prompted discussions about what is considered acceptable for mainstream audiences and has challenged traditional notions of storytelling in anime.

The series has also influenced discussions about diversity and representation in anime, as it portrays interactions between different humanoid species in a fantasy setting. By exploring themes of acceptance and coexistence, “Interspecies Reviewers” prompts viewers to consider issues of diversity, tolerance, and understanding within the context of a fictional world.

Furthermore, “Interspecies Reviewers” has prompted conversations about the boundaries of storytelling in anime and has encouraged creators to explore complex and taboo subjects in their work. The series has demonstrated that anime can be a platform for social commentary and critical thinking, challenging viewers to engage with difficult topics in new ways.

Should you read or watch “Interspecies Reviewers”?

Whether to read or watch “Interspecies Reviewers” ultimately depends on individual preferences and comfort levels with explicit content. The series is known for its graphic depictions of sexual encounters between different humanoid species, as well as frank discussions about sexuality and prostitution. Viewers who are comfortable with these themes may find value in experiencing the story through either the anime or manga formats.

For those who appreciate visual storytelling and animation, watching the anime adaptation of “Interspecies Reviewers” may provide a more immersive experience. The anime brings the characters and world of the series to life through animation, voice acting, and sound design, enhancing the storytelling experience.

On the other hand, readers who prefer a more introspective experience may find value in exploring the original manga format of “Interspecies Reviewers.” The manga provides an opportunity to engage with the story at one’s own pace and to delve deeper into the themes and messages presented in the series.

Ultimately, whether to read or watch “Interspecies Reviewers” is a personal decision that depends on individual preferences and comfort levels with explicit content. It’s important for viewers to consider their own boundaries and comfort levels when deciding how to engage with the series.


What is “Interspecies Reviewers”?

“Interspecies Reviewers” is a Japanese manga series written by Amahara and illustrated by masha. It has also been adapted into an anime television series.

What is the plot of “Interspecies Reviewers”?

The story follows a group of adventurers who visit various brothels and review the services provided by different species of humanoid creatures. The series explores themes of sexuality, fantasy, and comedy.

Is “Interspecies Reviewers” suitable for all audiences?

No, “Interspecies Reviewers” is not suitable for all audiences. It contains explicit sexual content and is intended for mature audiences.

Where can I watch or read “Interspecies Reviewers”?

The anime adaptation of “Interspecies Reviewers” can be watched on various streaming platforms, and the manga can be read through official and unofficial sources online.

What are some common themes in “Interspecies Reviewers”?

Some common themes in “Interspecies Reviewers” include sexuality, fantasy, humor, and the exploration of different humanoid species and their cultures.

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