Read or Watch “Laughing Under the Clouds”

“Laughing Under the Clouds” is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Karakara Kemuri. It was first serialized in 2011 and has since been adapted into an anime series and a live-action film. The story is set in the Meiji era of Japan and follows the adventures of three brothers who are tasked with the duty of transporting a dangerous criminal to a high-security prison. The series is known for its blend of action, drama, and supernatural elements, as well as its exploration of themes such as family, duty, and redemption. “Laughing Under the Clouds” has garnered a dedicated fanbase and has received praise for its compelling storytelling and well-developed characters.

Key Takeaways

  • “Laughing Under the Clouds” is a popular Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Karakara Kemuri.
  • The plot of “Laughing Under the Clouds” follows the story of three brothers who are tasked with guarding a mysterious prisoner in a remote mountain prison.
  • The main characters in “Laughing Under the Clouds” include the three Kumoh brothers, Tenka, Soramaru, and Chutaro, as well as the enigmatic prisoner, Botan.
  • Themes and messages in “Laughing Under the Clouds” include the bonds of brotherhood, the weight of duty, and the consequences of past actions.
  • The manga, anime, and live-action adaptations of “Laughing Under the Clouds” have all received positive reception from fans, each offering a unique interpretation of the story.
  • “Laughing Under the Clouds” has made a significant impact in the manga and anime community, with fans praising its compelling story and well-developed characters.
  • Fans of “Laughing Under the Clouds” are recommended to explore all three adaptations to fully appreciate the depth and nuances of the story.

Plot Summary of “Laughing Under the Clouds”

The story of “Laughing Under the Clouds” revolves around the Kumoh brothers – Tenka, Soramaru, and Chutaro – who are tasked with the responsibility of transporting a dangerous criminal named Botan to a high-security prison. The brothers belong to a family that has been tasked with the duty of guarding the Orochi, a powerful and malevolent being that brings calamity to the world. As they escort Botan, they encounter various challenges and adversaries, including the Yamainu, a group of warriors who seek to release the Orochi for their own nefarious purposes.

As the brothers navigate through their journey, they uncover dark secrets about their family’s past and the true nature of the Orochi. They also encounter supernatural beings and face internal conflicts that test their resolve and loyalty to each other. The series delves into themes of duty, sacrifice, and the bonds of brotherhood as the Kumoh brothers confront their destinies and strive to protect the world from impending disaster.

Characters in “Laughing Under the Clouds”

The main characters in “Laughing Under the Clouds” are the Kumoh brothers – Tenka, Soramaru, and Chutaro. Tenka is the eldest brother and serves as the leader of the group. He is calm, composed, and possesses great strength and wisdom. Soramaru is the middle brother and is known for his hot-headed nature and determination to prove himself. Chutaro is the youngest brother and is characterized by his innocence and naivety.

Other significant characters include Botan, the enigmatic criminal whom the brothers are tasked with escorting; Shirasu Kinjo, a member of the Yamainu who has a personal vendetta against the Kumoh family; and Hirari Abeno, a mysterious girl with ties to the Orochi. Each character brings their own unique traits and motivations to the story, adding depth and complexity to the narrative.

Themes and Messages in “Laughing Under the Clouds”

“Laughing Under the Clouds” explores several themes and messages throughout its narrative. One prominent theme is the concept of duty and sacrifice. The Kumoh brothers are burdened with the responsibility of guarding the Orochi, a duty that has been passed down through generations in their family. This duty requires them to make difficult choices and put their lives on the line for the greater good, highlighting the theme of selflessness and sacrifice.

Another theme is the bond of brotherhood. The series delves into the dynamics of sibling relationships, portraying the love, rivalry, and loyalty that exist between the Kumoh brothers. Their journey is not only a physical one but also an emotional and spiritual one as they confront their past traumas and strive to protect each other in the face of adversity.

Additionally, “Laughing Under the Clouds” touches on themes of redemption and forgiveness. The characters grapple with their past mistakes and seek to atone for their actions, demonstrating growth and resilience in the face of their personal struggles. The series also emphasizes the power of forgiveness and second chances, showcasing how individuals can find redemption through their actions and choices.

Comparing the Manga, Anime, and Live-Action Adaptations of “Laughing Under the Clouds”

The manga adaptation of “Laughing Under the Clouds” provides a comprehensive and detailed exploration of the story, allowing readers to immerse themselves in the rich world-building and character development. The artwork by Karakara Kemuri brings the Meiji era to life with its intricate details and expressive character designs. The manga also delves deeper into the internal thoughts and emotions of the characters, providing a more intimate understanding of their motivations and struggles.

The anime adaptation of “Laughing Under the Clouds” brings the story to life through vibrant animation and dynamic action sequences. It captures the essence of the manga while adding its own visual flair and cinematic presentation. The anime adaptation also benefits from an engaging soundtrack that enhances the emotional impact of key moments in the story.

The live-action adaptation of “Laughing Under the Clouds” offers a unique interpretation of the source material, bringing a sense of realism to the characters and setting. The live-action film provides an opportunity for fans to see their favorite characters portrayed by talented actors, adding a new dimension to their personalities and interactions. While some elements may be condensed or altered for cinematic purposes, the live-action adaptation offers a fresh perspective on the story that can be appreciated by both fans of the manga and anime.

Impact and Reception of “Laughing Under the Clouds”

“Laughing Under the Clouds” has garnered a dedicated fanbase since its initial serialization, with readers praising its compelling storytelling, well-developed characters, and striking artwork. The series has been lauded for its ability to seamlessly blend action, drama, and supernatural elements, creating a captivating narrative that keeps readers engaged from start to finish.

The anime adaptation of “Laughing Under the Clouds” has also received positive reception for its faithful adaptation of the source material, as well as its stunning animation and memorable soundtrack. Fans have expressed appreciation for how the anime brings key moments in the story to life with its dynamic visuals and emotional resonance.

The live-action adaptation of “Laughing Under the Clouds” has been met with enthusiasm from fans who appreciate seeing their favorite characters portrayed in a new light. The film has been praised for its performances, visual effects, and ability to capture the essence of the original story while offering a fresh perspective for both longtime fans and newcomers to the series.

Conclusion and Recommendations for “Laughing Under the Clouds” Fans

For fans of “Laughing Under the Clouds,” there are various ways to experience and enjoy the series across different mediums. Whether it’s delving into the rich storytelling of the manga, immersing oneself in the vibrant animation of the anime, or experiencing a new take on the story through the live-action adaptation, there are plenty of opportunities to revisit the world of “Laughing Under the Clouds” and appreciate its compelling characters and themes.

Additionally, fans can explore related content such as spin-off manga, art books, and merchandise to further engage with their favorite aspects of “Laughing Under the Clouds.” With its enduring popularity and impact on readers and viewers alike, “Laughing Under the Clouds” continues to be celebrated for its captivating narrative, memorable characters, and thought-provoking themes that resonate with audiences around the world.


What is “Laughing Under the Clouds” about?

“Laughing Under the Clouds” is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Karakara Kemuri. It is set in the Meiji era and follows the story of three brothers who are tasked with transporting a dangerous prisoner to a high-security prison.

Is “Laughing Under the Clouds” available as a manga and an anime?

Yes, “Laughing Under the Clouds” is available as both a manga and an anime. The manga was serialized in Mag Garden’s Monthly Comic Avarus magazine, and the anime adaptation was produced by Doga Kobo.

Where can I watch “Laughing Under the Clouds” anime?

“Laughing Under the Clouds” anime is available for streaming on various platforms such as Crunchyroll, Funimation, and Hulu. It may also be available for purchase or rental on digital platforms like Amazon Prime Video and iTunes.

How many episodes are there in the “Laughing Under the Clouds” anime?

The “Laughing Under the Clouds” anime consists of 12 episodes in total. There is also a sequel film titled “Laughing Under the Clouds Gaiden” and a live-action film adaptation.

Who are the main characters in “Laughing Under the Clouds”?

The main characters in “Laughing Under the Clouds” include the three Kumoh brothers: Tenka, Soramaru, and Chutaro. Other important characters include the prisoner Botan, the Yamainu Squad, and various supporting characters who play significant roles in the story.

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