Read or Watch “Let’s Make a Mug Too”

“Let’s Make a Mug Too” is a heartwarming anime series that revolves around the art of pottery making. The story follows the lives of four high school girls who come together to form a pottery club and embark on a journey of self-discovery, friendship, and creativity. The series is based on the manga of the same name written and illustrated by Planet. “Let’s Make a Mug Too” is a delightful blend of slice-of-life, comedy, and coming-of-age themes, making it a must-watch for fans of feel-good anime.

The anime is set in the small town of Tajimi, known for its rich history in pottery making. The main characters, Himeno Toyokawa, Mika Kukuri, Naoko Naruse, and Toko Aoki, each have their own reasons for joining the pottery club. As they navigate the challenges of high school life and pursue their passion for pottery, they form deep bonds with each other and with the art form itself. With its beautiful animation and heartwarming storytelling, “Let’s Make a Mug Too” offers a refreshing and uplifting viewing experience for audiences of all ages.

Key Takeaways

  • “Let’s Make a Mug Too” is a heartwarming anime series that follows the journey of a group of high school students as they discover the art of pottery and friendship.
  • The plot revolves around the students’ efforts to create the perfect mug for a school project, while also navigating personal challenges and growth along the way.
  • The anime and the manga share similar storylines and characters, but the manga delves deeper into the characters’ backgrounds and emotions.
  • The series features a diverse cast of characters, each with their own unique development and growth as they explore the world of pottery.
  • “Let’s Make a Mug Too” showcases a beautiful and detailed art style, with a focus on capturing the intricate process of pottery making and the natural beauty of the setting.

Plot summary of “Let’s Make a Mug Too”

“Let’s Make a Mug Too” follows the lives of four high school girls who come together to form a pottery club in the town of Tajimi. Himeno Toyokawa, a transfer student from Tokyo, is drawn to the art of pottery after discovering her late mother’s passion for it. Mika Kukuri, a shy and reserved girl, joins the club to overcome her social anxiety and find her own identity. Naoko Naruse, a talented potter with a stoic demeanor, seeks to challenge herself and push the boundaries of her craft. Toko Aoki, an energetic and enthusiastic girl, joins the club to explore her creative side and make new friends.

As the girls navigate the ups and downs of high school life, they immerse themselves in the world of pottery making. They learn about different techniques, styles, and traditions while also discovering more about themselves and each other. Throughout the series, the girls face various challenges, including competitions, personal struggles, and the pressures of growing up. However, they find strength and support in their friendship and shared love for pottery. “Let’s Make a Mug Too” beautifully captures the joys and hardships of adolescence while celebrating the beauty of creativity and self-expression.

Comparison of the anime and the manga

The anime adaptation of “Let’s Make a Mug Too” stays remarkably faithful to the original manga while also adding its own unique charm. The anime brings the characters and their surroundings to life with vibrant colors, expressive animation, and immersive sound design. It expands on the source material by adding more depth to certain scenes and exploring the characters’ emotions in greater detail. The pacing of the anime allows for a more immersive experience, drawing viewers into the world of pottery making and the girls’ personal journeys.

While the manga provides a more intimate look at the characters’ inner thoughts and feelings through its artwork and panel layout, the anime uses its visual and auditory elements to convey emotions and atmosphere in a different way. Both versions complement each other, offering fans a well-rounded experience that captures the essence of “Let’s Make a Mug Too.” Whether fans prefer the detailed artwork of the manga or the dynamic animation of the anime, both versions excel in portraying the heartwarming story of friendship and creativity.

Characters and their development in the series

The characters in “Let’s Make a Mug Too” undergo significant growth and development throughout the series, making them relatable and endearing to viewers. Himeno Toyokawa starts off as a reserved and uncertain girl but gradually gains confidence as she discovers her passion for pottery and learns more about her mother’s legacy. Mika Kukuri overcomes her social anxiety and finds her voice through her experiences in the pottery club, becoming more assertive and self-assured. Naoko Naruse learns to open up to others and embrace new challenges, softening her stoic exterior as she forms deep connections with her friends.

Toko Aoki’s infectious energy and enthusiasm bring joy to the group, but she also learns valuable lessons about patience and perseverance as she hones her skills in pottery making. The interactions between these characters are heartwarming and genuine, showcasing the power of friendship and support in overcoming obstacles. Each character’s journey is intertwined with their love for pottery, highlighting how creativity can be a source of healing, inspiration, and personal growth. “Let’s Make a Mug Too” beautifully portrays the complexities of adolescence and the transformative power of pursuing one’s passions.

Art and animation style in “Let’s Make a Mug Too”

The art and animation style in “Let’s Make a Mug Too” is visually stunning, capturing the beauty of pottery making and the picturesque town of Tajimi. The character designs are expressive and distinctive, reflecting each girl’s personality and growth throughout the series. The use of color and lighting creates a warm and inviting atmosphere, drawing viewers into the world of pottery making and the girls’ personal journeys. The attention to detail in depicting various pottery techniques and traditions adds authenticity to the storytelling, immersing audiences in the art form’s rich history.

The animation brings life to the pottery-making process, showcasing the delicate movements and intricate craftsmanship involved in creating each piece. The fluidity of motion and attention to texture make each scene feel tactile and immersive, allowing viewers to appreciate the artistry behind pottery making. The art and animation style in “Let’s Make a Mug Too” not only enhances the storytelling but also serves as a visual celebration of creativity and craftsmanship. It captures the essence of pottery making as both an art form and a means of self-expression.

Themes and messages in “Let’s Make a Mug Too”

“Let’s Make a Mug Too” explores several themes that resonate with audiences of all ages, including friendship, self-discovery, perseverance, and creativity. The series emphasizes the importance of pursuing one’s passions and finding joy in creative expression, highlighting how art can be a source of healing and personal growth. The girls’ journey in forming the pottery club reflects the power of collaboration, support, and shared experiences in overcoming challenges and achieving personal goals.

The series also delves into themes of tradition and innovation, as the characters learn about different pottery techniques while also experimenting with their own unique styles. It celebrates the rich history of pottery making in Tajimi while also embracing new ideas and approaches to the craft. “Let’s Make a Mug Too” encourages viewers to embrace their individuality, explore their creative potential, and find strength in their connections with others. It serves as a heartwarming reminder that art has the power to inspire, unite, and transform lives.

Impact and reception of “Let’s Make a Mug Too”

“Let’s Make a Mug Too” has received positive reception from both fans and critics for its heartwarming storytelling, endearing characters, and beautiful portrayal of pottery making. The series has resonated with audiences for its relatable themes of friendship, self-discovery, and creativity, earning praise for its emotional depth and authenticity. Fans have praised the anime for its stunning visuals, expressive animation, and immersive portrayal of pottery making, which has sparked interest in the art form among viewers.

The series has also garnered attention for its positive representation of female friendship and empowerment, showcasing how collaboration and support can lead to personal growth and fulfillment. “Let’s Make a Mug Too” has inspired discussions about the value of pursuing one’s passions, embracing tradition while also exploring new possibilities, and finding strength in creativity during challenging times. The impact of “Let’s Make a Mug Too” extends beyond entertainment, serving as an uplifting reminder of the transformative power of art and human connection.


What is “Let’s Make a Mug Too” about?

“Let’s Make a Mug Too” is a Japanese anime series that follows the story of a group of high school students who come together to create and sell pottery mugs. The series explores their experiences with pottery making, friendship, and personal growth.

Is “Let’s Make a Mug Too” based on a manga or a novel?

Yes, “Let’s Make a Mug Too” is based on a manga series written and illustrated by Planet.

Where can I watch “Let’s Make a Mug Too”?

“Let’s Make a Mug Too” can be watched on various streaming platforms such as Crunchyroll and Funimation, with English subtitles available for international viewers.

How many episodes are there in “Let’s Make a Mug Too”?

The anime series “Let’s Make a Mug Too” consists of 12 episodes.

Who are the main characters in “Let’s Make a Mug Too”?

The main characters in “Let’s Make a Mug Too” include Himeno Toyokawa, Mika Kukuri, Toko Aoki, and Naoko Naruse, among others. Each character plays a significant role in the story and the development of the pottery club.

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